Become A Master Lego Builder...
LEGO® is the premiere building toy, preferred by kids and adults (AFOLs) everywhere. We're no exception, we love them too. We happened across some brand new, sealed, retired, Master Builder Academy™ 20214 Adventure Designer sets and we couldn't be more excited. Not because there are instructions to build 11 unique models, not because there are over (600) pieces in this set that we can use to improve our MOCs, and not because there are (3) included highly detailed manuals with tons of techniques and tips from the master builders in Billund, Denmark... No, we're most excited about the (3) EXCLUSIVE LEGO® Minifigures™ included in this set. You won't find these guys in their orange MBA jumpsuits anywhere outside of the MBA sets, and they've been retired for about 10 years now! Happy building, and Play Well.