Paging All Trekkies!
To boldly write notes where no man (or not that many) have written notes before. Yes, Trekkie-
Surpies, we have Star Trek notebooks! These really nice, (48)-page, cardboard-bound
notebooks might not help you live long, or prosper, but they’re perfect for jotting down thoughts
and to-do lists in the company of Trek images and ideas. You pick: the 3-1/2” x 5” Starfleet
Medical Notebook in blue with spots for personal data including Serial No., Starship Posting and
Commissioned Stardate, quotes from famous Trek doctors, and a fold-out back cover detailing
diseases with drawings, and Starfleet medical milestones; the 5” x 7” Star Trek United
Federation Captain’s Log with a date/location entry on each lined page and fold-out info on the
back cover, including a warp-speed conversion table; or the 3-1/2” x 5” Star Trek Engineering
notebook with a red cover, diagrams of a communicator, phaser and tricorder, grid pages,
famous engineering quotes and room for your name, rank and serial number.